Module 2: Design the Internal Developer Portal


Red Hat Developer Hub is based on the Backstage framework for building internal developer portals. This project was donated to the CNCF by Spotify in 2020. Platform engineers can use Red Hat Developer Hub to build internal developer portals. Doing so involves integrating with various data sources, cataloging existing software components, infrastructure, and resources, configuring single sign-on, and more.

In this module you’ll learn how to architect, install, and bootstrap an instance of Red Hat Developer Hub to create a minimum viable internal developer portal for a select group of developers within your organization.

The initial use cases for your developer portal are:

  • Self-service discovery of software components and dependencies.

  • Visibility into CI/CD pipelines.

  • Hosting documentation.

  • Scaffolding projects that adhere to organizational best practices.

Module Objectives

Satisfying the previously defined use cases involves configuring Red Hat Developer Hub to integrate with your existing platforms, tools, and infrastructure. For example, if your organization uses OpenShift Pipelines for continuous integration, you’ll need to configure the Red Hat Developer Hub instance with the appropriate integration to fetch and display data from an OpenShift cluster used to perform Pipeline Runs.

It could be said that the value of an internal developer portal is proportional to the thought and energy invested into it by the platform engineer(s), and developers using it.

In this module you’ll:

  • Identify the platform requirements and dependencies, such as single sign-on (SSO), source code management (SCM), RBAC, resources, existing assets

  • Integrate Red Hat Developer Hub with the dependant services, such as GitLab and Keycloak

  • Learn about Backstage Entities, e.g. Components, APIs, and Docs

  • Ready the platform for developer onboarding

Workshop Environment

Your workshop environment has been preconfigured with the following software and platform components:

  • Red Hat Build of Keycloak

  • OpenShift GitOps

  • OpenShift Pipelines

  • GitLab

For the purposes of this workshop, we’ll assume that your organization has standardized on these tools, and it’s your objective as the platform engineer to integrate them with Red Hat Developer Hub.