Platform Engineer Activity: Import the Software Template

The Software Template you’ll be using in this activity is stored in the template.yaml file in the rhdh/template-quarkus-simple repository in GitLab.

Register this template using the Red Hat Developer Hub UI:

  1. Login to your instance of Red Hat Developer Hub as the pe1 user with password {common_password}.

  2. Select Create from the side menu.

  3. Click the Register Existing Component button.

    The empty Create UI

  4. Enter the following URL in the Select URL field and click Analyze:

  5. You’ll be asked to review the entities being imported, as shown:

    Registering and Entity

  6. Click Import when prompted.

Return to the Software Catalog and set the Kind filter to Template. Your new Quarkus Service template will be listed. Clicking on the template reveals that it looks a lot like the Component Entity you imported in the previous module.

Registering and Entity

Before using the Template, we’ll need to onboard a developer. Continue to the next section to complete a developer-focused task.