Explore updates to Production Argo Manifests

  • In the previous section, we noted that a PR has been raised on the Prod Argo manifest to update the prod image

  • On Developer Hub, in the parasol-store component overview page, you can view the Deployment Summary section

  • Click on the Revision link shown for parasol-store-prod. This will take you to the parasol-store-manifests repo showing the commits.

    parasol store deployment summary

  • From the left-hand navigation, access the Merge requests menu. Or click here to navigate to the Merge requests page.

  • You can see the Merge Request created for the parasol-store-manifests repo.

    parasol store prod pr

    parasol store merge menu

  • Click on the Changes tab and you can see that the value-prod.yaml file is now updated to match the same image tag we noticed for the dev & staging deployments

    parasol store prod pr changes

Merge updates to Production Argo Manifests

  • For the sake of the workshop, assume the persona of a release manager. Navigate back to the Overview tab of the Merge Request and proceed to Merge it.

    parasol store prod pr merge

  • Navigate to Red Hat Developer Hub parasol-store component, and access the CD tab, access the parasol-store-prod ArgoCD app by clicking on the arrow.

    parasol store go2argo

  • Click on the Refresh button.

    parasol store prod argo sync start

  • The Argo app will begin Sync-ing.

    parasol store prod argo sync progress

  • In less than a minute, the new image will be deployed on Prod as well.

    parasol store prod argo sync done

    In ArgoCD, open the parasol-store deployment, and you can validate that the image deployed on Prod is the same image as in Dev and Staging that we saw earlier.


A developer can easily setup a isolated dev environment, develop and test their code, and then the code can be progressed till Production with all the necessary guardrails in place.

All of this is possible, from a single-pane of glass on Red Hat Developer Hub, without the developer having to move across different tools and platforms to view the inner-loop and outer-loop progress and statuses.